Whispers of Hope (ABM)

Strength for the Christian

Daughters of Promise January 14, 2021

Filed under: Encouragement For All- A Better Me (ABM) — whispersofhopeabm @ 7:01 pm
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I am embarking on a 7 week journey with a few awesome women of God. Join us for testimonies to encourage. We will be guided by the Daughters of Promise Devotional. Click here to view the testimonies in week 1: Testimonies to Encourage 1

More about Daughters of Promise:

Daughters of Promise is a devotional study that focuses on women in the bible who were barren but later received children. The study posits that though one may be destined for great things there is a process for different individuals and this process might cause some form of discouragement. Key principles are emphasized from scripture that women should be guided by to live fruitful lives. At the end of each lesson is a reflective guide that will assist the reader in self-evaluation. If you are a woman who is packed with promise but has lost hope in walking in your purpose, this study is for you.

“For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry.” Habakkuk 2:3

As people of faith, the above scripture offers comfort in the fact that when God makes us a promise it will happen for He is not a man that he should lie (Numbers 23:19). We get visions, dreams and prophetic words, and at first we are so in awe and we believe that God spoke to us. But as time goes by, and nothing seems to be happening, we start wondering if it was God. This doubt has been around for ages. In this devotional study we will look at several barren women in the Bible who made it to their promises. Many of these women suffered much to get to the place God had for them. The key and most essential thing to note however, is that they made it. If they got their promise, so can you.


Navigating Single Life- Book Launch and Review January 9, 2021

Filed under: Encouragement For All- A Better Me (ABM),For Singles: The Power of One — whispersofhopeabm @ 5:13 pm

The road travelled by singles can sometimes be rugged, parched, and confusing. Yet it is one of the most meaningful experiences one could ever have. Beyond what seems to be anguish and confusion, is light. God’s light to guide us to our destinies. There are bumps in the road, but the Lord provides guidance as we navigate each path. Navigating speaks to planning and directing a course of travel. Navigating Single Life provides one perspective based on biblical principles delivered through the point of view of a single woman. Much of what is shared comes from real experiences, some of which were painful, but now have risen to glorify God. We overcome by the word of our testimony and so I felt it necessary to share what has helped me on my single journey. In this book, singleness is explored as a period of transition. I look at setting right expectations, weak or low moments, questions that arise, self-inflicted pain, prophesies of a spouse and transitioning from singleness.

Watch the Video Here: LAUNCH VIDEO


You Must Go Through It January 8, 2015

And he must needs go through Samaria. (Jonh 4:4)

The above scripture speaks volumes. Back in Jesus’ day it was a social blunder to be in contact with the Samaritans. The Jewish community would avoid them. But Jesus, knowing his purpose not only walked in Samaria, but he stopped at Jacob’s well and communed with a Samaritan woman. The woman could not believe that Jesus, a Jew, would have a conversation with her. Let alone, asked her for water to drink. When the disciples came, they also contemplated within themselves why Jesus was speaking to this woman. BUT, Jesus’s purpose was not to save the Jews only. He was  to save the world. He was simply fulfilling the will of God even though it defied the status quo.  In the end many of the Samaritans believed on Jesus because of the conversation he had with this woman (John4: 39). Mission Successful!

We all have great plans to overcome and be victorious in this life. We love the end work, but most times not the process. No one wants to get their hands dirty. Everybody wants the high road. We must understand that sometimes we have to defy what we always knew/did to fulfil God’s will for our lives. Some of us will never fulfil our purposes on earth because a part of the process involves delving into new realms or doing things that we deem ‘wrong’. Even the woman at the well thought it was wrong for Jesus to speak to her, but it was the will of God. It then means, before we judge any matter we must seek the face of God. Seek the Lord while he might be found. Ask of him and He shall answer. We all love the crown at the end, but remember there is a process to the crown. You must go through it.


Taken for Granted February 24, 2014

Filed under: Encouragement For All- A Better Me (ABM) — whispersofhopeabm @ 10:38 pm



“Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.” Eph. 4:32

The above scripture captures the essence of how we ought to operate in all relationships. Forgiveness is sometimes so hard especially if we feel like we are being taken for granted. Even though in truly loving others, we are not looking for a pat on the back, it doesn’t mean that loving someone gives them the right to walk all over our feelings. Its hard at times but we must forgive.

If someone constantly hurts you over and over again, eventually this will frustrate the very intent of love. We want to remain kind despite how others threat us. We must continue in kindness. Being bitter is not an option. Cry, shout, pray, jog- if you have to and get over it. God will strengthen you. But do know that habitual disregard of your feelings by people you love may mean that you can’t keep them too close. Forgiveness does not mean you allow others to walk over you. It means that you canceled the wrong they did to you and chose to let it go. Forgiveness deals with past actions as such be more protective of your heart in the future.


Being Deceived By Physical Beauty May 24, 2013

Filed under: Encouragement For All- A Better Me (ABM) — whispersofhopeabm @ 4:02 pm
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“Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the Lord, she shall be praised.” (Proverbs 31:30 KJV)

I remember prior to being saved, how much money and time I would invest in how I looked. The hair extensions and styling, the clothes and accessories the grooming and upkeep. It was just crazy.

It totally mattered how I looked. But why? After examining my motives for being that way, at the centre of it all was a big competition. Who wore what and looked best. It was all about hype. And of-course with hype comes ‘friends’. Friends that most times only pretend to like you just to fit in. This is where favor is deceitful.

Because, most of whom I thought were my friends slowly dwindled away the moment I gave my life to Christ. Our conversations were a drag because our interests lied in different places. The people who would party with me found excuses to not come to church with me.

My hair, clothes and attitude changed and so did my friends.

So then I got contented with that and truly appreciated the people who still stuck with me during this change. But now I saw a variation of the same thing in church. The fashion! The glitter the glam. Which I must add, makes others who can’t afford it feel inadequate most times befriending the so called in crowd. This is the start of a whole bunch of self esteem issues.

Nothing is wrong with dressing up and making yourself look beautiful but you must check your motive for doing the same. Your entire day must not be focused on your fashion sense. I’ve been to gospel concerts and seen Christians seemingly forgetting the reason why they came. They get so caught up in their outfit that worshipping the God that should be the reason of the concert becomes secondary. It is sad when we reach a place that we cant stand to worship because our heels are too high and we dear not take them off. Its sad when the only legacy we take from a church or worship session is a beautiful picture of ourselves that we place on social media. I’m not bashing anyone because I’ve been there. Just Highlighting that our focus is wrong.

So many times young people especially go to a service that they didn’t see the end of the sermon but have time to go outside and socialise with no interest in tarring inside praying with and for those who need Christ.

Thanks be to God that there are a few that do tarry for others. They do what they do because they operate by purpose and they shall be praised. “Well done thou good and faithful servant.” This is by no means expecting everyone to be an altar worker. It is saying we all can play a role- we can just simply worship God— letting our true praise and worship permeate the atmosphere bringing on that oneness anointing. Sitting/kneeling in your seat and praying that God has His way is also a plus. These are simple gifts of sacrifice. Yes, you want to talk to a particular individual, but what was the purpose of you going to the service in the first place? Do you believe it is God’s will for any Christian to ignore the plight of those seeking after Christ? We need to all be servants.
The spirit behind this glorious fashionista era in the church is not one of servant hood. Serving means going beyond one’s self. If you can’t worship because your suit just got dry cleaned you are not being a servant. If your outfit staying intact means more to you that helping someone breakthrough at the altar you are not being a servant.

Every time we look in the mirror we must see our purpose in God. It shouldn’t be lost in our popularity or physical beauty.

I want to be a faithful Servant. I want God to see me as a faithful servant. I don’t just want to look beautiful, but I want to be beautified in God’s will. The Proverbs 31 woman- was purposed to be in God’s will and that made her beautiful!


Indecision and Greed Shall Keep You Single May 9, 2013

Filed under: Encouragement For All- A Better Me (ABM) — whispersofhopeabm @ 8:05 pm

Indecision and Greed Shall Keep You Single.